
Free, Open-source, web-based CAD. BlocksCAD is a tool that can help anybody make detailed, precise 3D designs. No experience necessary.

woman using BlocksCAD community forum page
Join our Community!

Learn and grow with our BlocksCAD community. Share your projects and ideas, or get questions answered through our forums and blogs. Work with beginners and experts alike. Share often. We want everybody to experience a safe and supportive learning environment, so please check out our terms of use and policies here.

guy with lap top
Design Just About anywhere

Web-based and open-source means you can design wherever life (and your making) takes you. No seat license required. Export your designs to nearly any common 3D printable file, including STL, AMF, and X3D. Easily send your file to be printed through a service, or print it yourself.

CAD image of part designed with BlocksCAD
Simplicity and Precision

Get those calipers ready. Trying to replicate a part? With BlocksCAD, you input specific coordinates and dimensions when creating shapes and designs, so your creations can be as precise as you need them to be.