Blockscad Now Has Google Log In

Byjennie,May 29,2017

Tag:    news

We've added Google Login to BlocksCAD.    We've revamped the registration and login pages, and you now have the option to sign in through Google.  What does that mean?


1. Accounts created through Google are separate from accounts created with a username.  There is no way to link a Google account to a regular BlocksCAD account.

2. When you first sign in with Google, you'll be prompted to input information we need to create your account.  That will include:

  • display name : this is the name that will show up for your shared projects in the gallery, your 'username' in the upper right corner, and as the author of your comments and forum posts. 
  • Birth month and year:  this information is used to help us legally comply with COPPA.  Users under 13 years old will be prompted to enter a parent or guardian's email address so that they can consent to participation in the community - sharing projects, commenting on projects, and posting to the forum.  This information will never be shared with anyone.
  • Gender and Country: this information will never be shared with anyone.  We track this data in aggregate to help us understand who is using BlocksCAD and how we can increase participation.
  • Maker Type:  You can help identify yourself to the community as either a student, teacher, or maker.  This information will be displayed in your public user profile.

3. The next times you sign in with Google, you won't have to input any special information.


If you have any comments about this new feature (or notice that something isn't working right with it), email us at

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