


Here you can find the options to save your work and open a previously saved work.

  • My Projects - Displays a list of saved projects
  • New - Creates a new project
  • Save - Saves the current project
  • Save As A Copy - Saves the current project to a new project
  • Save Blocks to your Computer - Exports the current project to your computer as an XML file
  • Load Blocks from your Computer - Loads a BlocksCAD XML file
  • Import Blocks into Current Project - Imports a BlocksCAD XML file into the current project
  • User

    If you have multiple users using the same computer, use this drop down menu to login, logout, or register a new user so that you can save your work appropriately. It can also be used to change the current user's information.


    Access to documentation and information about BlocksCAD.

Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only.